Why pitching doesn't work. How successful founders build relationships with investors

How the most successful founders build relationships well ahead of a fundraise and common misconceptions when it comes to networking and pitching your startup to investors.

Brianne Kimmel shares advice for pitching in a video interview

Advice on pitching and networking is still the most asked question Kimmel receives to this day. 

Watch this video to get insight on Kimmel’s early career and her mindset on pitching and networking:

The best thing you can do for a pitch is to not pitch at all! The best pitches are always from a conversation with someone you have developed a genuine relationship with. Always focus on building genuine relationships.

How Brianne Kimmel got involved in Cameo:

Key Takeaways:

  1. Be persistent. People need time to get comfortable with working with you and don’t rush the process! 
  2. In Silicon Valley, failing shows you have experience! The sooner you fail, the sooner you can move onto the next thing. 
  3. Don’t be afraid to start a side hustle. It can lead to you finding your passion and keeps you growing as a person. 
  4. Always think about what you can provide first when working with high value people. Share current trends, be proactive, and be helpful. 
  5. Immerse yourself in the thinking of other venture capitalists and investors.
  6. Always know what you want.
  7. Understand what you care about and types of problems you want to solve and types of people you want to work with.

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